Tuesday, 23 December 2008

23 December, Tuesday

Am storming ahead here in the living alone stakes.

OK, so I managed to miss two trains this morning, but I'm just not used to all that time in the morning, and in the last but one day before Chrimbo, it's not too serious.

Was stood up for lunch, because luncher too important writing front page - or splash, as they call it - to come out. Hmmm. Sorrowful lunch of mashed potato and bean salad, but Teresa's biscuits helped.

Everyone left at five. Most people aren't coming in tomorrow. I think it's the best time of the year. Time to catch up on things. Felt a little down at home time, but rallied when I got home. My fire worked this time, and I cooked another fantastic supper of roast pork, Czech gluten free dumplings and pickled cabbage. And watched a French film noir thriller. Why do so many French film stars (male) look like rats? Sleek rats, good looking rats, but rats none the less. I suspected the lawyer because (a) he was a lawyer and (b) he looked Jewish, but then he turned out to be Greek, and it was just the run of the mill ex-Legionnaire. Didn't think you could be in the French Foreign Legion if you were French?

Have now got holiday weekend sorted out, as am seeing Alison Green on Sunday. I can't decide whether to work on Monday or not. We have one day to take at our pleasure over the Christmas period, and I have been non-committal. I did try and trade it in, as Christmas in teh office a laugh. We leave early and no one asks me any questions.

Off to bed now and the language instinct. Still have drunk very little. So clearly company makes me drink.....

Spoke to children today. They report Timothy ill and v spatne naladu.

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