Friday, 26 December 2008

Boxing Day

Knee too hurty to go out today, so contented myself with sweeping the leaves in the curtilege to get my exercise and blow of fresh air. I worry most that Mummykins can't get out as it does cheer the soul to go out.

I made paneer this afternoon, to go with my prawn curry. I had so much milk, I had to do something. It worked like magic. Add vinegar to milk, and it becomes cheese! The house is almost tidy now. All except for my lair in the library, which is a jumble of books, papers, sewing stuff. But that's the only heated room, and impossible to be tidy oneself all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of sympathy for the knee! And I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, not in too much pain I hope.
